Peer Advisory Groups | Vistage Perú Peer Advisory Groups | Vistage Perú

Peer Advisory Groups

At the heart of it all is the peer advisory group.

CEOs, business owners and high-level executives have a lot of people offering advice, from their board of directors to spouses. Others have key colleagues or even a mentor with whom they can troubleshoot … but very few business leaders have a consistent, structured forum for unbiased feedback. Very few have a confidential environment to work out concerns and plans, challenges and opportunities. They want guidance they can trust from people they respect.

Vistage peer advisory groups are:

  1. 100% confidential
  2. Consist of 12-16 business leaders (peers) from non-competing companies
  3. Made up of member businesses across all industries
  4. A safe forum for working out issues and exploring opportunities
An atmosphere of trust, support and encouragement
Executives who have been carrying the burden of having to know all of the answers can finally let their guard down. They can put any issue on the table for their peers to tackle with them. No topic is off-limits. If you are willing to talk candidly about the decisions you face, fellow members will rally around you, listen, ask tough questions and bring to bear every resource they have to help you grow as a leader and improve your business. More than 45,000 members across the globe count on their Vistage peer advisory group to help them make better decisions, be better leaders and get better results.
A CEO Coach (Vistage Chair) Facilitates the Group
Chairs are accomplished business leaders, many of whom are former CEOs themselves. They are part facilitator, part coach and fully committed to the success of each member. They help stimulate thinking, frame issues, guide discussions and keep the meetings focused and productive. Members meet with Chairs individually for one-to-one executive coaching sessions, an opportunity to take a deeper dive into the issues they most wish to explore.
Vistage Stanford meeting in Pleasanton, CA on Tuesday, September 8, 2017.(Photo by Sandy HUffaker/Vistage)

What members say

Russ Phillips

Former CEO, SHURflo and Diedrich Co

Russ Phillips grew his company from $28M to $100M within 5 years, and led another company that became one of the fastest-growing stocks on NASDAQ. Learn how you can gain the same competitive edge by being part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

“Russ Phillips grew his company from $28M to $100M within 5 years, and led another company that became one of the fastest-growing stocks on NASDAQ. Learn how you can gain the same competitive edge by being part of a Vistage peer advisory group.”

Russ Phillips

Former CEO, SHURflo and Diedrich Co

Juan Carlos Santiesteban

CEO Veritrade

“Los Webinars de Vistage a los que pude asistir también me ayudaron mucho y fueron de mucho valor. El timing en el acompañamiento de Vistage ha sido preciso; cuando más se necesitaba estaban ahí en la medida oportuna para generar ese valor en su servicio.”

Luigi Bianchi

Gerente General Klar

“Para mí ha sido potente el apoyo del grupo, todos hemos sido referencia para los otros. Ver cómo los diferentes tipos de liderazgo se manifiestan en los distintos negocios ha sido enriquecedor.”

Peter Anders

Gerente General Química Anders

El Grupo Vistage aportó mucho, porque la incertidumbre es igual para muchos, aunque las empresas estén en situaciones muy diferentes. Entre todos nos ayudamos a encontrar esas respuestas e iluminar el camino que teníamos hacia adelante. Eso fue lo más importante para mi.

Take the next step.

Tap the experience and impartial advice of exceptional business leaders to improve your leadership and drive outstanding results.

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